Hair loss


The first approach consists in a medical consultation in order to identify hormonal or micronutritional deficiencies, the palliation of which will allow an optimal result. Topical treatments can also be provided, depending on the pathology.

(Included in the price from the very first PRP or mesotherapy session)

PRP (platelet rich plasma) INJECTIONS

The plasma obtained from our own blood contains platelets, which are key factors in the biological regeneration of tissue mechanisms. Platelets secrete essential growth factors which are involved in the proliferation and stimulation of stem cells as well as fibroblasts. Consequently, the use of platelet-rich plasma increases hair density and reduces hair loss, with no risk for the patient.


This therapy consists in the application of a bio-revitalizing formula, in the form of microinjections, directly on the scalp. The formula is based on a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants. The treatment aims at improving the hair roots environment against internal and external damage. Consequently it prevents the hair from falling and increases their thickness.

450 CHF / Per session

Three sessions are generally recommended. 

1300 CHF

Package for 8 sessions


The first approach consists in a medical consultation in order to identify hormonal or micronutritional deficiencies, the palliation of which will allow an optimal result. Topical treatments can also be provided, depending on the pathology.

(Included in the price from the very first PRP or mesotherapy session)

PRP (platelet rich plasma) INJECTIONS

The plasma obtained from our own blood contains platelets, which are key factors in the biological regeneration of tissue mechanisms. Platelets secrete essential growth factors which are involved in the proliferation and stimulation of stem cells as well as fibroblasts. Consequently, the use of platelet-rich plasma increases hair density and reduces hair loss, with no risk for the patient.


This therapy consists in the application of a bio-revitalizing formula, in the form of microinjections, directly on the scalp. The formula is based on a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants. The treatment aims at improving the hair roots environment against internal and external damage. Consequently it prevents the hair from falling and increases their thickness.

450 CHF / Per session

Three sessions are generally recommended. 

1300 CHF

Package for 8 sessions